Clinton County Board of Realtors

True Professionals

True professionals striving to improve our industry through education, community and communication.

Tradition of Service

A long tradition of service and professionalism in Clinton and surrounding counties

Professional Standards

Governed by elected directors to help ensure the highest degree of professional standards


This year the Board of Realtor's Pancake brunch fell on May 4th. May the 4th be with you.  More than 100 breakfasts were served and $1,983 was donated that day.  We had many volunteers helping.  The Board of Realtor would like to thank each person that had part in helping this day, from the volunteers, to participants to the ones that donated items for this event.  

Day of Caring

What is the Day of Caring?   Established in 1991, Day of Caring is a grass roots organization made up of volunteers committed to increasing personal awareness and involvement toward confronting the ever-increasing national plight of hunger and homelessness.

The Clinton County Board of Realtors sponsor the Day of Caring for our area.  Board members raise money through door donations for our breakfast.  Day of Caring is held the last Sunday every February at the Friends Church in Wilmington. The proceeds of this special event are then donated to the Clinton County Homeless Shelter.

100% of the monetary donations go directly to the Clinton County Homeless Shelter.  

In 2019 we had 253 total residents, 39 being children. A total of 6,811 nights in shelter 27 night average. 34,055 meals and snacks were served and 412 households were served through the food pantry.

If you have not attended this event in the past we would like to take this time to invite you to share breakfast and fellowship with us in the future. This is a wonderful event that helps raise money for those in need. Please join us or call about how you can help be a sponsor of this event.